

April 17, 2015

Sustainability. This word is becoming increasingly more popular as more people become more aware of the necessity to focus on involving methods that do not completely use up or destroy natural resources. However, in the world of Hungarian oak, and at #TeamTrust this is not a buzzword or a trend, it is a way of life. The efforts in Hungary to sustain forests are long-standing and may be surprising to those concerned with the impact that a Hungarian oak barrel has on the environment.
Typically, the annual forest harvest is governed by a 10-year plan. Within the 10- year plan, sustainable targets must be met. To control the harvest the following mechanisms are standard.

No more than 10 hectares can be harvested in a given area.

No mature plot adjacent to harvested plots can be harvested until the replanting and reforestation of the harvested plot is confirmed typically 5-10 
years after harvesting.

A replanting and re-growth ratio of about 2.5-3 to 1 must be maintained.

All harvesting of any kind, including sick trees, must be done only after government authorities grant appropriate permission.

Forest workers must be licensed and act pursuant the regulatory regimes imposed on them.

With strict limits on quantities harvested, replanting and management practices, Hungary assures sustainability. Few countries can boast of such elaborate forestry regulation or of such a well-established forestry management culture. Therefore, forest products born of Hungarian origin are sustainable. So, the next time that you enjoy a wine that has encountered Hungarian oak, rest assured that you are enjoying a part of sustainability at its finest. #TeamTrust